Get Ready for the Next Drink with Me!

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The next Drink with Me whisky is Kaiyo MIzunara Oak Whisky!

Here's how our podcast works: I pick a whisky and tell you about it. You go buy yourself a bottle (if you're legal of course) and drink along with me and my whisky co-conspirators, including the nearly-perfect-in-every-way Murdina Flummery.

Then, we publish the podcast and you drink it while we do!

This time, I'll admit I agonized over the choice. This is sorta, kinda a Japanese whisky, and it's got some quirks, but still, we had a good time drinking it and I think you will too.

The podcast will be out later this week, so stay tuned!

Drink with Me Episode 4: Bruichladdich Islay Barley 2010

We'll be drinking Bruichladdich's truly impressive Islay Barley 2010. Here's how we play the game:

I go and buy a bottle of the whisky I choose (in this case, the Bruichladdich).

You (if you're legal), do the same.

I invite somebody awesome to drink it with me and talk about it, while we drink. You press 'play' on the podcast and drink along with us.  You can't talk to us, but at least we can imagine being together.

In this episode, Murdina ditched me and went on vacation, so I call in the never not funny Arthur, and we get into some mess...and quite a lot of good whisky. Let me tell you, there's nothing like taking down some fine whisky while simultaneously trying to be entertaining and cogent for a podcast to really find out about a person. And that's what we did. The result is, well, you take a listen. It's funny.

And the whisky of course was awesome.


ICYMI: Drink with Me Episode 3: Balcones Baby Blue

For those who missed it on Twitter, here's Episode 3 of Drink with me, in which Murdina Flummery and I drink a great American whisky from my favorite American Distiller, Balcones.

It's the Baby Blue Corn Whisky, made from Hopi Blue Corn and a lot of American ingenuity and, I don't mind saying it, love of great whisky.

Go get your bottle and drink along with us!


For the next Drink with Me...

We'll be drinking Baby Blue from Balcones Whisky.

As it sits tantalizingly on top of my whisky cabinet, I am looking forward to opening it, tasting it, talking about it with Murdina Flummery (my whisky sidekick) and imagining you sipping along with us.

Now's the time to go get your bottle, or if it's not convenient to pick one up in person, you've still got time to order it online (if you're legal, of course.)

Like most of the whiskys that I'll highlight, this one should be a really good one and not a crazy price. It looks like it's around $50 in the US.

We're recording in a few days and publishing a few days after that, so you've still got time to get ready!


Drink with Me Episode 2: Teeling Single Grain

It's time for another episode of Drink with Me! Well, with me and my whisky side, Murdina Flummery.

Meanwhile, in the Temple Bar...

Meanwhile, in the Temple Bar...

This time, we drink Teeling Single Grain Irish Whiskey. Drink with Me is best listened to with your own fresh bottle of whatever we're drinking, or anyway, that's the idea. If you listen to podcasts in your car or if you're 12, do NOT do it that way. Just listen.

In this episode, we cover such burning topics as what's the whole issue with "whisky" versus "whiskey" and whether or not Teeling whiskey in particular has value as part of your dental hygeine routine.

Also, not wanting to do spoilers, but this is a great whiskey. If you're a whisky newb (or is it n00b?), this makes an awesome first step, but if you're a might whisky warrior (you know you picture yourself that way), you're going to like it too. 

So, with no further delay, subscribe or download from iTunes or just listen here.