Drink with Me Episode 2: Teeling Single Grain
/It's time for another episode of Drink with Me! Well, with me and my whisky side, Murdina Flummery.
Meanwhile, in the Temple Bar...
This time, we drink Teeling Single Grain Irish Whiskey. Drink with Me is best listened to with your own fresh bottle of whatever we're drinking, or anyway, that's the idea. If you listen to podcasts in your car or if you're 12, do NOT do it that way. Just listen.
In this episode, we cover such burning topics as what's the whole issue with "whisky" versus "whiskey" and whether or not Teeling whiskey in particular has value as part of your dental hygeine routine.
Also, not wanting to do spoilers, but this is a great whiskey. If you're a whisky newb (or is it n00b?), this makes an awesome first step, but if you're a might whisky warrior (you know you picture yourself that way), you're going to like it too.
So, with no further delay, subscribe or download from iTunes or just listen here.