Drink with Me, Maker's Mark Cask Strength

Episode 15. This time, Murdina and Jesus are drinking Maker's Mark Cask Strength Bourbon Whisky. After AWJ's recent trip to Kentucky and visits to 15 distilleries in Bourbon country, he and Murdina are talking bourbon. And drinking it too. After clearing up any basic confusion about bourbon vs scotch vs whisky, they move on to other exciting topics, such as whether it's possible to make bourbon by aging it inside the peglegs of influential pirates. (The answer is yes, if their legs are made of oak.) There's also an EPIC candy pairing. Really, Murdina almost dies of delight and Jesus only manages to save her by putting pipette drops of water into her mouth. It's a good one!

Drink with Me Episode 14: Macallan12 Year Old Triple Cask Matured

Whether you’re looking for advice on how to raise a Helper Monkey (or maybe Helper Monky, since we’re talking Scottish) who will respect your guard dog, or a Dirty Limerick by Murdina…

Or perhaps you actually want to find out more legit information about The Macallan’s excellent 12 Year Old Triple Cask Matured whisky, you’re in luck.

And of course, we’ve got the candy pairing that American Whisky Jesus called the best one yet!


Drink with Me Episode 13: Stranahan's Original Single Malt

In this episode, Jesus and Murdina drink Colorado distiller Stranahan's Original Single Malt! This is a true American original, so naturally Murdina brings in Haribo Gummy Bears as the candy pairing. We cover a lot of ground before breaking down into some nonsense, including what it means to be a single malt and/or an American single malt, why Murdina has a persistent crush on Popeye, and what happened when we pushed the champagne button in Las Vegas.

Stranahan's should go on your list not just as a bottle to try out as you Drink with Us, but as a place to visit! A rustic bar, food trucks, and a full mile of elevation make it a place where one day Murdina is almost sure to pass out...

Oh, and listen to the end because there's a contest!

Drink with Me Episode 12: Springbank 10

In this episode, Murdina and Jesus drink Springbank 10 Year Old Scotch Malt Whisky, the first Campbeltown whisky in the Drink with Me podcast and the first whisky selected by Murdina herself.

Shockingly, Jesus and Murdina start with Serious Whisky Talk, educating themselves and you on Campbeltown, its history, what it means to be distilled 2 and a half times. They listen to folk music from Campbeltown, which is focused on wishing the local Loch was whisky rather than water. Still, it is legitimately Serious Whisky Talk.

Things devolve from there as they move on to the candy pairing, picked by Jesus this time. No spoilers, but you'll need to get yerself to Trader Joe's to pick it up.

Things devolve still further from there as they cover the inevitable rise in popularity of Sexy Mummies (not "mommies" but the gauze-wrapped bodies), Jesus demonstrates his skeptical drinking skills. They describe their plans for a Saltine Truck and the Be Hungry Restaurant, all to the brutal rhythms of the Oompah band. 

Finally, Murdina tries to pay Jesus in hugs, and he's ok with that.

Drink with Me Episode 10: Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye

It's time to drink with me (American Whisky Jesus) and my friend and whisky sidekick Murdina Flummery! This time (if you're legal), go get yourself a bottle of Crown Royal's Northern Harvest Rye and drink along with us as we spout Whisky Wisdom mixed with quite a lot of amusing nonsense. This whisky was named World Whisky of the Year by Jim Murray, curator of the Whisky Bible a couple years ago, but it's also a very inexpensive bottle, only about $25 here in the United States. We get into that issue, and many others, including Murdina's obsession with her Canadian heritage, her even stronger obsession with Mounties, what it means to be #JoanCrawfording, and taking Bag Selfies.

And of course, we've got a candy pairing!